Power, Praise and Perks: Three Methods To Staff Retention and Limit Call Outs.
The healthcare industry is becoming a high-turnover job, meaning that people are
parting ways with companies just as quickly as they are hired. The healthcare
workforce has been suffering, even more so since this pandemic. According to a
Kaiser Family Foundation survey, 30% of healthcare professionals are thinking of
leaving the healthcare industry. That same survey found that 60% of the
healthcare workforce was impacted mentally by working during the pandemic. The
main reasons people are leaving healthcare right now are: Feeling overworked.
Lack of recognition. Poor company culture. Better opportunities elsewhere. The
pandemic took a toll on employment and put many healthcare workers in a
vulnerable position on the front lines battling a deadly virus. It also awakened
many employees and gave them the radical realization that they deserve more. No
longer are people willing to stand for poor leadership and being overworked and
underappreciated. As employers, there are small but mighty changes that can be
made to retain staff and limit things like callouts and burnout.
Power of Leadership
The impact of leadership is enough to make or break a team, and powerful
leadership can improve your work environment. "Power" in this sense is different
from the "power," we think of. People are no longer willing to work under a
dictatorship where they go unheard and are mistreated by management. It's time
to shift from traditional leadership to transformational leadership.
Transformational leadership changes the leadership role from traditional,
transactional, and domineering to an approach based on motivation and collective
changes. Transformational leadership uses personality and compassion to
encourage a shared goal and has proven to improve staff retention, stability,
and job engagement. Here are a few ways you can adopt transformational
leadership: Build relationships with staff. Ensure all staff feel represented
and heard. Listen and show empathy.
Praise for Work Ethic:
Healthcare is often a thankless job, and you'll find that many employees just
want to be recognized and complimented for the work that they do. By showing
your employees how important they are to your company, you can retain their
employment. Many people who work in healthcare enjoy the act of caring and are
selfless by nature but are hurt when they feel like their company doesn't
recognize their efforts. By taking the time to reach out to your employees via
mail, text, or any correspondence you can reassure them. Every relationship
needs reassurance and praise, small acts of compassion can go a long way. Many
businesses put the customer first and while that can be good for business, it
can prove harmful to staff which is not good for business. Prioritizing your
employees will in turn improve patient care by making your staff feel heard and
validated. You can take a few of the following steps to praise your employees
for their work ethic: Providing a welcoming work environment: Staff should be
able to talk to you when they need to. Making sure your employee needs are met:
Do they have all the equipment they need to handle the job and are they feeling
well today? A simple “How are you doing today?” and “Is there anything I can
do?” can go a long way. Be accommodating: Employees are craving work and life
balance more than ever and now is the time to be more flexible with scheduling,
understanding in emergencies and helpful.
Perks of Working:
Everyone loves perks! You may find yourself signing up for a membership because
of all the benefits that come along with it. The same can be said about
employment, there are things you can do to get people involved in the work
environment and enjoy working. Are you familiar with the saying that you should
find a job that you enjoy doing so it doesn't feel like work? This can be done
so simply and at little cost. Let's discuss some things you can do to encourage
your employees to show up: Incentives and Interactions: Everyone enjoys
incentives and they don't have to be expensive. Some people just enjoy friendly
competition, and interactive games or activities can boost workplace morale.
Imagine having a raffle for people who work at least 5 shifts a month or have
the best attendance. You can also offer a game of spin the wheel and allow your
employees to choose prizes. Wellness and Workshops: Now more than ever people
are taking their health seriously, as they should. Especially in the healthcare
industry, these jobs can be mentally/emotionally, and physically taxing. People
also find themselves in the same routine of working with no added value to their
personal life. Offering stress management workshops, fitness reimbursement,
financial education, family day or even hosting a yoga class once a month would
bring your employees together and feel cared for. The things listed above are
just a few things that you can do as perks of working with you. Your company may
not be able to afford to send all of your employees to Cabo for a weekend but
you may be able to afford things like movies, zoo, or museum tickets which are
all just as fun. Power, praise, and perks are the three methods you can adopt to
turn your casual employees into committed team members. These ideas are so
simple and should be mandatory when running a successful business with
employees. You may find that after considering these methods the morale of your
work environment is boosted.
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